健康导向的社区更新需求研究-以上海 17 个建成小区为例


中文标题:健康导向的社区更新需求研究-以上海 17 个建成小区为例

英文标题:Research on the Demand for Health-oriented Community Renewal: Taking 17Existing Communities in Shanghai as Examples


易欣蕾  徐汇区建设和管理委员会科员

徐磊青  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授(通讯作者)

摘 要:  健康导向的社区更新是当前社区生活圈建设的重要组成部分。本文在摘健康社区建设指标的框架下,从居民视角出发,揭示建成社区居民在健康导向的社区更新中的需求,并提出更新建议。文章首先在国内外既有研究的基础上构建了包含8个一级指标和 33 个二级指标的健康社区建设指标;然后以上海老旧小区和新型商品化小区为研究对象并设计问卷,收集居民对指标重要性的看法和提升意愿,利用四分图模型综合分析了居民更新的需求,最后提出三大更新原则,两类小区的更新目标、更新重点和更新时序,为健康导向的社区更新和社区生活圈建设提供一定的参考。

关 键 词 健康城市;健康社区;城市更新;社区更新;居民更新需求;社区生活圈

Abstract Health-oriented community renewal is an important part of the currentcommunity life circle construction. Based on the healthy community construction standardsthis paper aims to analyze the demands in the healthy-oriented community renewal fromthe perspective of residents, and provides suggestions for the community renewal. Firstly.based on the existing research worldwide, this paper formulates a construction standardincluding 8 criteria level indicators and 33 sub-criteria level indicators. After that, taking theold communities and new commercialized communities in Shanghai as research objectsthis paper analyzes residents' views on the importance of indicators and their willingnessto improve through questionnaire survey, and comprehensively analyzes the residentsrenewal demand by the quadrifid graph model. Finally, this paper proposes three renewalprinciples, the renewal goals, the key points and renewal time sequence of the two typesof communities, which provides references for the health-oriented community renewal andcommunity life circle construction.

Keywords healthy city; healthy community; urban renewal; community renewal; renewaldemand of residents; community life circle
