


英文标题:The lmpacts of Organizational Models on the Effectiveness of Planners' Duties inCommunity Renewal: A Case Study of Wuhan City


郭   炎  武汉大学城市设计学院,湖北省人居环境工程技术研究中心副教授

王博然  武汉大学城市设计学院硕士研究生

叶   睿   武汉大学城市设计学院硕士研究生

摘  要:本文立足社区规划范式转型的背景,从理论层面论述社区规划师的职能及社区更新组织模式对其职能效益的影响,并以武汉市为例,从社区规划师职能效益的角度评价了三种组织模式。本文认为,在协商型过程规划的范式下,社区规划师的构成是多样的,承担着参与式利益协调、寻求共识,进而推动社区品质和治理能力双重提升的职能,政府层级间纵向的、社区规划师内部横向的及社区更新全过程的协作是成败的关键;合理的工作组织模式、社区规划师职能的配置是助力社区更新实践的重要方面。

关 键 词:组织模式;社区更新;社区规划;社区治理;社区规划师

Abstract:Theoretically, the paper introduces the transformation of community planningparadigm, and explores the new duties of community planners as well as the impactsof community renewal organizational models on the performance of their duties. TakingWuhan City as an example, the paper evaluates three organizational models through theperformance of community planners. To enhance community quality and governancecapacity, the composition of community planners is diverse, and they are responsible tocoordinate different stakeholders and seek consensus of planning schemes under theparadigm of negotiation. Efective coordination across diferent levels of governments.among different groups of community planners, and between renewal process aredeterminant to the success of renewal. Accordingly, policymakers should concern moreabout the construction of effective community organizational models for communityrenewal, and the balance between power as well as responsibilities of communityplanners.

Keywords:organizational model; community renewal; community planning; communitygovernance;community planners
