

英文标题:Study on Sustainable Development of Tibetan Villages in Meri Snow MountainAboriginal Community Governance from the Perspective of Biocultural Diversity

陶   楠  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生,昆明理工泛亚设计集团项目负责人

金云峰  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,上海市城市更新及其空间优化技术重点实验室,公园城市与景观治理有机更新研究中心主任

庄晓平  云南省昆明市规划设计研究院规划四室副主任工程师,高级工程师(通讯作者)

摘  要  梅里雪山自然保护地内的藏族村落是在人与自然相互作用下可持续发要展的典范。本文从藏族原住民社区治理的意识形态、文化行为、社会制度三个层面,探讨了生物文化多样性视角下藏族村落可持续发展的动因,并分析了由此形成的村落所具有的可持续特征,主要表现为浑然天成的村落选址与空间格局、有机进化的公共空间与村落巷道、蕴含生存智慧的民居建筑营造三个方面,论证了自然保护地的可持续发展以生物文化多样性视角下的“原住民社区治理”为基础。此外,依据梅里雪山自然保护地藏族村落的经验,对自然保护地保护与原住民乡村社区发展协同的可持续发展战略进行讨论。

关 键 词 自然保护地;生物文化多样性;可持续发展;原住民社区治理;梅里雪山

Abstract The Tibetan villages in Meri Snow Mountain Nature Reserve Areas aremodels of sustainable development under the interaction between human and nature.This paper discusses the motivation for the sustainable development of Tibetanvillages in three aspects of Tibetan indigenous and communities' governance fromthe perspective of biocultural diversity, which is ideology-cultural behaviors-socialsystem, Then it analyzed the sustainable characteristics of the human settlementenvironment of villages formed under this mechanism, which is mainly manifested inthree aspects: natural village site selection and spatial pattern, organically evolvedpublic space and roadway, and residential building construction with survival wisdomand local knowledge. it is proved that the sustainable development of Nature ReserveAreas is based on "Indigenous and community conserved areas’ governance" fromthe perspective of biological and cultural diversity. Besides, based on the experience
