

英文标题:The Legislation History Analysis of Cultural Heritage under the View of TraditionalVillages Conservation

初松峰 成都市城市管理委员会

摘 要  文化遗产保护离不开法规的支撑,百余年来我国的文化遗产法规经历了诸多变化。防止文物流失是清末民初文化遗产法规管控的重点。中华人民共和国成立以后,百废待兴,国家出台了一系列法规与制度,保护基础设施建设中的文化遗产。改革开放以后,对文化遗产关注的重点也从文物单体向城市、村镇整体保护转变,形成了相应的法律、法规体系,以规范文化遗产的保护与利用。进入新时代,人们对精神需求的提高,促使社会开始关注“活态”的传统村落。法规演变的过程,直观地反映出以历史审美为核心的遗产认知向生活化的遗产认知转变,从单体保护向整体保护转变,从静态保护向活态保护转变的历程,并在当下传统村落立法保护中呈现出地方先行的特点。为了应对传统村落保护发展面临的问题,建议加强对传统村落核心价值的认知,统筹各项法规制度,明确法定权责等。

关 键 词 文化遗产;传统村落;法规;历史

Abstract  The conservation of cultural heritage needs the support of laws andregulations. lt has many changes over the past 100 years. in the late of Qing dynastyand during the Republic China, preventing the loss of cultural relics was the focus ofthe regulations in this period. After the founding of New China, a series of laws andregulations has issued by the state in order to protect the heritage during infrastructureconstruction. After the reform and opening up, attention to heritage was from culturalrelics monomer to the overall protection and development of cities, villages and towns.The state issued a series of laws and regulations to regulate the protection and utilizationof heritage. Entering the new era, the attention to spiritual need promoted the societypay more attention to the traditional villages of "living state', this process intuitivelyreflects the change of cognition from the historical and aesthetics value to the living
