英文标题:Disaster Resilience of Urban Ecological Space: Concepts, Influencing Factors, and Strategies
孟海星 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生
沈清基 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授(通讯作者)
摘要 城市生态空间向城市提供多种生态系统服务,对防灾韧性城市建设具有重要的作用。然而,学界对城市生态空间自身防灾韧性理论与实践的关注尚有不足。文章首先辨析了关于城市生态空间防灾韧性认知的“贡献说”和“自身说”两种观点,并从协同视角对其进行定义;其次,论述了城市生态空间防灾韧性的类型与主要影响因素;最后,结合相关研究与规划实践案例,归纳了提升城市生态空间防灾韧性的主要经验。
关键词 生态空间韧性;防灾韧性;韧性规划;生态系统服务
Abstract Urban ecological space provides various eco-system services to cities and plays an important role in the construction of disaster resilience city. However, the scholars did not pay enough attention to the theoretical understanding and practice of the resilience of urban ecological space. This paper first analyzed two views of Urban Ecological Space’s Disaster Resilience (UESDR) from two perspectives, contribution view and one’s own view, and re-defined it from a synergism perspective. Secondly, it discussed the types and main influencing factors of UESDR. Finally, combining with relevant cases study, it summarized the main experiences and strategies for UESDR promotion.
Keywords ecological space resilience; disaster resilience; resilience planning; eco-system service
来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.3
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]