英文标题:A Goal-oriented and Problem-oriented Approach of Creating Planning IndicatorMatrix: Exploring the Path to Establish Goals of the Territorial Planning at a MunicipaLevel
张 泉 江苏省住房和城乡建设厅原巡视员,中国城市规划学会监事,研究员级高级城市规划师
缪杨兵 中国城市规划设计研究院城市更新研究所主任规划师,高级城市规划师
邓 东 中国城市规划设计研究院副院长,中国城市规划学会理事,教授级高级城市规划师
张祎婧 中国城市规划设计研究院城市更新研究所规划师,助理城市规划师
摘 要 指标体系是反映规划意图的重要技术手段,也是规划实施的路径和保摘障。当前,我国推进空间规划体制改革,建立“多规合一”的国土空间规划体系,必然需要构建支撑国土空间规划目标的规划指标体系。本文采用目标导向和问题导向相结合的思路,从国土空间规划改革的价值观出发,围绕以生态优先、绿色发展为导向的高质量发展新路子,重点考虑国土空间资源的节约集约利用,分析国土空间规划需要解决的重点问题,提出解决思路和策略,并以此为依据提出市级国土空间总体规划的指标体系框架。
关 键 词 国土空间规划;指标体系;目标导向,问题导向
Abstract Planning indicator matrix is an important technical tool of realizingplanning intentions, as well as the path to implementing plans. Currently, to advancethe reform of spatial planning system and establish an integrated territorial planningsystem, a planning indicator matrix is needed to support the development goals ofterritorial production space. Based upon the value of territorial planning reform andfocusing on three goals of 1)prioritizing ecological conservation and boosting greendevelopment, 2) high-quality development, 3) people-oriented development, thisarticle adopts a goal- and problem-oriented approach to create a territorial planningindicator matrix at the municipal level by considering intensive and efficient use ofterritorial resources, analyzing key issues of territorial planning, and initiating solutionsand strategies.
Keywords territorial planning; planning indicator matrix; goal-oriented; problem-oriented
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]