文章中文名称:行千里 致广大—重庆 70 年城乡规划和建设发展
文章英文名称:Journey to New Accomplishments: 70 Years of Chongqing Planning and Construction
桑东升 重庆市规划展览馆(重庆市规划研究中心)馆长、主任,正高级工程师
江龙翔 重庆市规划展览馆(重庆市规划研究中心)编研部副部长,工程师
摘要: 各个时期不同的时代背景直接影响了规划的性质定位、空间布局等,本文以时间为线索,对中华人民共和国成立 70 年来重庆历版总体规划进行了概要性回顾,反映出国家赋予重庆的使命对历版总体规划的重要影响,展现了城市规划在重庆城市建设发展中发挥的重要作用。注重从全局谋划一域、以一域服务全局,结合新时代新要求,对重庆空间规划工作进行思考和展望。
关键词: 重庆,城市总体规划,城市发展,使命
Abstract: This paper reviews Chongqing's multiple master plans in the last 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Different backgrounds in different periods directly affect the nature of planning, and spatial layout. It is found out that the important impact of Chong's mission entrusted by the country on overall planning, and the important role of the planning it played in the urban development. Focusing on the overall planning of a domain and serving the region with one domain, it analyzes the prospect of Chongqing's spatial planning in the new era.
Keywords: Chongqing, master planning, city development, mission
内容来源:中华人民共和国中央人民政府网站 [详细]